Sunday, 27 March 2011

Wrapping and interfacing compiled code into more flexible and user-friendly programs using Zenity and Bash

Subtitles include:

1. How to reconstruct the three-dimensional shape of an object in a scene in a very inexpensive way using shadow-casting
2. How to write and execute a matlab script from a bash script

I've written a bash script - - which is a wrapper for a set of programs for the reconstruction 3D surface of an object in a series of photographs using the ingenious shadow-casting algorithm of Jean-Yves Bouguet and Pietro Perona

The script relies heavily on the GUI-style interfacing tools of Zenity and acts as an interface and wrapper for the algorithm as implemented by these guys. It will also write and execute a matlab script for visualising the outputs.

This script should live in a directory with the following compiled programs, all available here:
1. ccalib (performs the camera calibration to retrieve the intrinsic parameters of camera and desk)
2. find_light (performs the light calibration to find light-source coordinates)
3. desk_scan (does the 3d reconstruction)
4. merge (merges 2 3d reconstructions, e.g. from different angles)

and the following matlab script:
1. selectdata.m (available here)

When the makefile is run, it creates the compiled programs in the ./bin directory. It's important to consult the README in the main folder as well as within the 'desk_scan' folder to have a clear idea of what the program does and what the input parameters mean.

My program will check if the camera calibration and light calibration files exist in the folder and if not will carry them out accordingly then several reconstructions are carried out, and the outputs merged. Finally matlab is called from the command line to run 'p_lightscan_data.m' to visualize the results.

when the script finishes there will be the following output files:
1. xdim.txt - max dimension to scan to
2. params - camera calibration parameters
3. data - camera calibration data
4. light.txt - light calibration parameters
5. sample.pts - [x,y,z] of object, in coordinates relative to light source
6. sample_lightscan1.tif - filled colour contour plot of reconstructed object
7. sample_lightscan2.tif - mesh plot of reconstructed object

I've tried to keep it flexible. It will run only the elements it needs to. For example, if the camera or lighting has been carried out before for a different object it will pick up on that. Also, the program can be invoked by passing it two arguments (path to folder where sample images are, and what sequence of contrasts to use for the reconstruction), which avoids having to input with the graphical menus. Example usage:
1. bash
2. bash /home/daniel/Desktop/shadow_scanning/sample/bottle

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Program for spatial correlogram of an image, in C

This program will read an image, convert it to greyscale, crop it to a square, and calculate it's spatial (1D) autocorrelation function (correlogram), printing it to screen.

It uses OpenCV image processing libraries - see here and here

Compilation instructions (in Ubuntu):

 sudo apt-get install libcv-dev libcv1 libcvaux-dev libcvaux1 libhighgui-dev libhighgui1  
pkg-config --libs opencv; pkg-config --cflags opencv
gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` -o Rspat Rspat.c

Usage in the terminal:

 ./Rspat IMG_0208.JPG   

The program:

Controlling a serial device with Python

This program to sends a command to serial device, receives data from the device, converts it to numeric format, and graphs the data in real time. It is written in Python using wxPython for the display.

The device is connected to /dev/ttyS0 with a baud rate of 19200, 8-bit data, no parity, and 1 stopbit. You need to edit the line 'serial.Serial' with the relevant parameters to use this code for your device. Editing 'DATA_LENGTH' will change the rate at which the graph scrolls forward. Also, you'd need to change the 'command' that the device understands as 'send me data' (here it is the s character - line 'input'). Knowledge of the format of the returned data is also essential (here I turn ascii into 2 integers) line 'struct.unpack' - see here for help). Otherwise this should work with any device. Tested on Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.4 using serial port and USB-serial converters.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Using cron to backup Thunderbird emails

My bash script (which I've saved as in my home folder and made executable) looks a little like this:

 set -x   
x=`date +%y%m%d.%H%M`
tar zcf thunderb-mail-${x}.tgz ~/.mozilla-thunderbird
mv thunderb-mail-${x}.tgz /media/MY_HARDDRIVE/email_backups/

Then invoke in cron using:

 crontab -e   

add something like:

 30 4 * * * ~/./  

which does the backup at 04.30 every day

Make Google Earth Faster on Ubuntu

In terminal type: