Here's a fun python function to make a plot of [x,y] coordinate data as a patchwork quilt with user-defined 'complexity'. It initially segments the data into 'numsegs' number of clusters by a k-means algorithm. It then takes each segment and creates 'numclass' sub-clusters based on the euclidean distance from the centroid of the cluster. Finally, it plots each subcluster a different colour and prints the result as a png file.
'data' is a Nx2 numpy array of [x,y] points
'numsegs' and 'numclass' are integer scalars. The greater these numbers the greater the 'complexity' of the output and the longer the processing time
Some example outputs in increasing complexity:
numsegs=10, numclass=5
numsegs=15, numclass=15
numsegs=20, numclass=50
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